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  • Jennifer Jewell


FOODSCAPING - with Brie Arthur. Photo courtesy of Brie Arthur, all rights reserved.

Last month we sent out a written update on our new special project, Cultivating Place Live and how it's growing so far. You can read the germination story for the project and mini-descriptions of the three CP LIVES episodes recorded and filmed in that intro post: Cultivating Place Live

This month (with the new moon of August rising yesterday morning), we are thrilled to send out the video teaser introduction to the project just completed by Myriam of Em En.

Click the video link above to watch and we can't wait to hear what you think! Thank you for being on this journey with us!

Individual episodes (filmed and recorded) rolling out soon - full documentary rolling out TBD.....

Khoa and assistant filmmaker Joe with Durl on location at Chico Flax; John and I hosting Joe, Myriam, Alma, and Khoa at Canyon Creek, spring 2024;

Myriam directing Joe and Alma.


Leslie Bennett, owner/founder Pine House Edible Gardens/Black Sanctuary Gardens - September 20/21, 2024 - Oakland, CA

Abra Lee, founder of Conquer the Soil/Director of Horticulture, Historic Oakland Foundation - DELAYED TO SPRING 2025 - Date TBA

Mary Jackson, Robert Dufault & Corey Alston Part 2: October 1, 2024 - at at Theodora Park, Charleston, SC

Sofia Lacin & Hennessy Christophel, founders/owner Studio Tutto - November 9, 2024 (tentative) - Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA

(Three to four additional dates in 2025 TBA in January 2025)




Cultivating Place elevates and expands the way we think and talk about gardening in our world at large, engaging with, encouraging, and empowering gardeners to cultivate their full agency to grow our world better environmentally, culturally, and economically for the health and well being of all lives on this generous planet.

CP is a co-production of North State Public Radio, a service of Cap Radio, licensed to Chico State Enterprises.

Cultivating Place Live is a special project of Cultivating Place, made possible through a substantial matching grant from The Catto Shaw Foundation, funding initiatives that empower women and help preserve the planet through the rich intersection of environmental advocacy, social justice, and creativity.

The CP Live team includes Executive Producer and Co-Creative Director Jennifer Jewell; Director of Photography, Co-Creative Director and Co-Producer Myriam Nicodemus; and Co-Producer Khoa Huynh, both of EM EN.

SHARE the podcast and project with friends: If you enjoy these conversations about these things we love and which connect us, please share them forward with others. Thank you in advance!

RATE the podcast on iTunes or wherever you get your podcast feed: Please submit a ranking and a review of the program! To do so on itunes, follow this link: iTunes Review and Rate (once there, click View In Itunes and go to Ratings and Reviews)

DONATE: Cultivating Place is a listener-supported co-production of North State Public Radio, a service of CapRadio. To make your listener contribution – please click the donate button below and make sure to note "Cultivating Place" in the comment section at end . Thank you in advance for your help growing these valuable conversations.

Or, make checks payable to: Capital Public Radio with Cultivating Place in memo line

and mail to: Cultivating Place

PO Box 37

Durham, CA 95938


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